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SME Loan for Small and Medium Enterprises business in Nepal

Global IME Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Loan enables you to meet your unique business requirement.

Flexible financial solutions for business operation and expansion!!

Global IME Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Loan enables you to meet your unique business requirement.


  • Financing for small business facilities and commitments
  • Working capital financing
  • Financing term loans and leases e.g. auto loan, hire purchase etc. 
  • Purchase of loan from other banks and financial institutions
  • Financing for capital expenditure (in the form of Fixed Term Loan)
  • Financing for trade related facilities like LC/TR and non-funded facilities like bank guarantee etc.


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Competitive premium rates
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Fast approval process
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Facility available in all branches
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Flexible tenor: Maximum up to 10 years on installment basis for fixed term loan and 1 year for working capital loan.
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Counseling to help better financing by our Relationship Managers throughout the process
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Floating or Fixed interest rate
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50% discount on locker charge/debit/credit card issuance charge to proprietor/partners/ promoters (For first year only & upon eligibility/availability)

SME Loan interest rate and charge

We offer SME Loan in flexible terms as per your requirement.
Fixed Rate - 10.49% PA for up to 10 years
Floating Rate- Risk Premium: +1.50% and above
Loan Administration Fee - 0.50%

Document Checklist

ABasic Documents/ Corresponding documents
2Net worth statements (of proprietor/partner/promoter/guarantor) 
3Multiple Banking Details
4Citizenship copy along with 3 generation details (of proprietor/partner/promoter/guarantor) 
BBusiness related documents: 
1Firm / Company Registration Certificate (Renewed - where applicable) / PAN Certificate
2Industry Registration Certificate, If applicable
3Operating Licenses, as applicable
4Memorandum of Association / Articles of Association (In case of Company)
5Board Resolution for bank loan including authorization (In case of Company)
6Shareholding Register (In case of Company)
7Directors' Register (In case of Company- As applicable) 
8Brief Company Profile / Business Plan (If available)
9Brief Profile of Directors/Promoters (If available)
11Bank statement of last 1 year
CFinancials related 
1Audited finanacial statements & Tax Clearance Certificate (Of last 3 years)/ IRD/ UDIN (As Applicable) 
2Details of Projects in Hand along with value of work completion / Upcoming Projects (For contracting / construction nature business)
3Details of major projects completed in the past (For contracting / construction nature business)
4Projected financial statements of next 3 years (For loan above Rs. 5 Mio)
5Latest statement of stock, debtors, creditors, other current assets as applicable
6VAT bill / Valuator's report (As applicable, for Fixed Assets Financing ) 
7Monthly maskebari/VAT filing (for YTD sales, as applicable)
DFAC related documents
1Land ownership certificate (Lalpurja)
2Transfer deed/ Consent ( Where applicable) 
3Land Revenue Payment Receipt
4Four boundary (Charkilla) /  Ghar Bato Sifaris 
5Trace Map
7Building drawings/approval, in case of building
EOther supporting documents, as applicable


Ways To Bank

Bank anytime, anywhere with our services